If you are looking for the best Rome civilization guide so that you can get up to speed. Welcome to our Rise of Kingdoms civilization guide for Rome. Rome lasted for a glorious 2,500 years until 476 A.D was the end of the Rome Empire after sustained losses to the barbarians (outside forces) that led to being conquered by various tribes like Celtics, Germanic, and Goths.
They all eventually entered public life and were well-known politicians thanks to their impressive political muscle flex. Prominent military generals like Julius Caesar, Gaius Marius and Scipio Africanus all rose to power through a series of victorious battles. The specialized Roman swords combined with ruthless and legendary military generals solidified Rome as the Empire that will never be forgotten. Rome has earned its title as the “Capital of the World”.
Rome was one of the most powerful empires that spanned across three continents during its 2,500 years reign.